Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Yarning For You - San Marcos, California

Location: San Marcos
Shop:       Yarning For You
Owner:     Deb
Website:   http://yarningforyou.com

San Marcos is part of San Diego County and is home to California State University & University of St. Augustine. The town, known for having some of the best restaurants in the north county, has 90,000 people in it, but the county has over 3 million. I visited San Marcos by myself this time, if I'd known that it was known for their restaurants, I would have scheduled things a bit differently. Next time.

Deb opened Yarning For You after suffering through a legal career most of her life. One day she had enough and quit. On her way home, she called her husband, and through the tears explained what she had done. Her husband asked her what she was going to do, and she answered, still crying, that she wanted to open a yarn shop. After a moment of silence, her husband asked her if she was driving, she said yes, and he tells her to pull over because he thinks she's been drinking. That was seven years ago.

 There's a comfy couch to sit on plus two big tables to conduct your craftiness at. There's a crafty person sitting at one of the tables in the center picture below. Tons of samples throughout the store, plus a sale room, that's always a bonus.

There were too many neat things in this shop to take pictures of. If you're in San Diego, you'll get a better appreciation for all the samples if you visit the shop. They offer classes, and the gals I met with were rays of sunshine. This shop just made you happy to be there, one shopper made that obvious by making herself comfortable on the couch while deciding which yarn to get for the afghan she's planning. She didn't know when she was going to start it though, she just wanted to be prepared. I completely understand.

Next Stop: La Mesa, California

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