Tuesday, April 23, 2013

So much for my disciplined once a week blog!

Yesterday was Earth Day, and Mother Nature decided to dump 6" of snow in our area the day before, so I spent the day watching snow melt while I played with resin.

In other news, I've finally launched the newest version of my website:


GoDaddy makes it pretty easy with their website builder, you just have to put up with it logging you off every now and again. Setting up the links for each picture was a breeze. So, instead of purchasing each item seperately, you can now go to my Etsy site and purchase several items.

The downside to this is that I have to pay a percentage to Etsy for each transaction, but that's better than paying the $50 fee each month to GoDaddy for their shopping cart option.

The other thing I've changed is that now all my buttons are made to order. I used to only post what I had available, which was less than 1/2 of what I have pictures of. Now, instead of having about 100 items, there are currently 238 items for sale. Buy something, if it's not in stock, wait a week and it will be. I've already noticed my hits and sales going up.

Next blog: www.vlvstamps.com my new favorite stamp shop! & alcohol inks with resin (as previously promised)